Neuro-Bhavana: A Video Series with Rick Hanson

Welcome to a new turn in Insight Journal offerings.

For some time, it has been our aspiration at BCBS to offer our teachings through new media via the internet.

Rick Hanson, whom as you may know has taught at BCBS several times, encouraged us to offer his teachings from April of this year as one of our initial projects.

The course in total runs 240 minutes, edited into 11 videos, from a weekend course by Rick Hanson that took place at BCBS in April of this year. It includes several guided meditations. Titled Neuro-Bhavana: The Mindful Cultivation of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom in Our Brains and Our Lives, the course was based on Rick’s book Hardwiring Happiness. Rick introduces four simple steps to turn positive mental states into lasting positive neural traits. The goal is to use contemporary understanding of the neural causes of mental factors to build on the mental causes of suffering and happiness that the Buddha explored.

The 11 separate videos are given in the order Rick’s teachings were presented. We recommend viewing them in order, to get all the context. The videos have been edited to preserve the privacy of students who attended the course. BCBS would like to thank Rick for making these teachings available. –Ed.

Clicking the image from the video, below, will play the first video. You may then use the controls to go to the next one, or click on the word “playlist” in the upper left of the video to see the complete list.

Note: If you are viewing on a iPad or other tablet, using the free youTube app works best. Search for “Barre Center for Buddhist Studies”.

Here is the presentation Rick used during the course as a pdf.
(These are key slides from this presentation are included in the videos. Please right click and click save us to download.)

The video is no longer available.

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