We offer programs that invite deep engagement with Buddhist study and practice across a wide variety of subjects and Buddhist traditions, most of which are suitable for both beginning and experienced practitioners. Learn more about our residential, online, and Path programs below.
BCBS residential programs take place on our beautiful campus in Barre, Massachusetts and typically include sitting and walking meditation, talks, small and large group discussions, time for questions and reflection, and some periods of noble silence. Consisting of 30 participants or fewer, our residential programs invite deep engagement and connection with both other participants and teachers.

BCBS online programs take place through video conferencing and offer convenient access to Buddhist study, practice, and spiritual community all over the world. Our online programs include events, weekend retreats, multi-week courses, and longer, more in-depth explorations. Like residential programs, online programs typically include talks, small and large group discussions, time for questions and reflection, and guided meditation. We provide detailed instructions and ongoing support to ensure participants are able to smoothly navigate technology and fully engage in these programs.

Path Programs
BCBS Path Programs take place over the course of several months to over a year and include a combination of online and/or residential components. Providing an ongoing relationship with a consistent cohort of participants and teachers over time, our Path Programs foster collective, far-ranging Buddhist inquiry.

Immersive Online Programs
BCBS Immersive Online Programs take place through video conferencing over several months and offer convenient access to Buddhist study, practice, and spiritual community all over the world. Providing an ongoing relationship with a consistent cohort of participants and teachers over time, our Immersive Online Programs foster deep practice and study.