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Mapping the Mind

For the last couple of years I have been participating in and contributing to the

Wise Attention

Sayadaw U Jagara will teach February 6-8, 2015 at BCBS on Wise Attention (yoniso-manasikāra). He

Secular mindfulness: potential & pitfalls

This article is based on a presentation at last year’s conference at BCBS on Secular

Some (mostly secular) thoughts about Emptiness

This article emerges from a paper presented at last year’s conference at BCBS on Secular

The Evolving Sangha

Jay Michaelson holds a Ph.D from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a J.D. from

Neuro-Bhavana: A Video Series with Rick Hanson

Welcome to a new turn in Insight Journal offerings. For some time, it has been

Awareness of Thinking: Recollective Awareness Practice

Jason Siff, a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka in the late 1980’s, has been teaching

Jhāna Practice and True Happiness

Shaila Catherine has been practicing since 1980 and teaching since 1996. After studying and practicing

Natural Buddhism

Note: This article was developed from one of 20 presentations made at the BCBS conference