Hybrid retreat technology upgrades

BCBS is pleased to announce new technological upgrades to our Barre Campus. The Dharma Hall has been fitted with camera and projection technology that will allow for greater flexibility in how retreats and other programs are offered in the future.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, BCBS ramped up online programming, and we continue to offer many fully remote, at-home online events throughout the year. Since we reopened our doors to full-capacity residential events on our Barre campus, both residential and online formats have been nourishing and supportive for participants in our programs.

Most of our residential programs will continue to take place within the intimate and closed container that you have come to expect from a retreat at BCBS. And with this upgrade, we can adjust our offerings to match each program’s unique needs and aspirations. 

Opportunities will include occasional remote appearances from guest teachers at residential programs, fully hybrid programs where yogis can participate either in person or online, live events streamed from campus, and more seamless integration for offerings that utilize both online and residential components.

The first hybrid course will be the “Gateway to Chan Retreat” with GuoGu. In 2025, we will continue to explore the possibilities of this technology.

Thank you for your continued interest and support. We hope to see you at a BCBS program soon!


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