Transcendent Dependent Arising: The Path from Suffering to Freedom

Watch a video invitation from Jud and Robin

Please note that the registration deadline for this course is Sunday, Jan 19 at 2pm ET.

In this six-week program, we will delve into the profound teachings of transcendent dependent arising as described in the Upanisa Sutta (SN 12.23). Despite its immense significance, this ancient teaching has often been overlooked. Most emphasis has been placed on the 12 links of dependent arising that lay the framework for samsara—endless wandering and suffering. In transcendent dependent arising, in contrast, suffering is the springboard for the causal links that lead from suffering to freedom.  

Throughout our sessions, we will investigate the links of dependent origination, unraveling its layers of meaning and relevance in our daily lives. We will then investigate the links of transcendent dependent arising, focusing on the path from suffering to freedom. We will bring the ancient teachings together with modern science, reviewing recent studies in the field of neuroscience showing how the brain learns and changes. Discussions will focus on applying knowledge and wisdom gleaned from the teachings on transcendent dependent arising, working with the mind, understanding how habits are formed, and how we can leverage awareness to change unwholesome habits and strengthen wholesome habits. Through group discussions, contemplative practices, and guided meditations, we will uncover the profound wisdom embedded within these teachings, offering insights into the conditions that support the causes of suffering and the path to liberation.

The program, with a blend of study and practice, offers a unique opportunity to engage in a supportive, enriching environment and is most suitable for practitioners with a general understanding of dependent origination (not emphasized in the program), a daily meditation practice, and retreat experience. Participants will be asked to attend all sessions, engage in daily meditation practice, complete reading assignments, and post weekly in an online discussion forum. Join us as we embark on a journey discovering the path of transformation from suffering to liberation guided by the timeless wisdom of the Buddha's teachings.


Prerequisites for this course include:

• general understanding of dependent origination 

• a daily meditation practice

• retreat experience

Cancellation Policy:

We understand that personal circumstances may require you to cancel your registration. In these cases, please contact us right away. If you cancel before the program starts, you are eligible for a full refund minus a $50 administrative fee ($100 for Online Immersives). Registration fees are nonrefundable after the program starts.

Online Schedule:

This program is hosted on Zoom and closed captions are available. You can check the time of the group sessions in your timezone here: The schedule for this program (shown in US Eastern Time) is as follows:

Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM ET

Meeting Dates: January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25

Please note that sessions will be recorded and made available to participants within 48 hours of each session. Recordings remain available indefinitely.