Young adult retreats at BCBS

In May of 2024, BCBS offered a residential retreat limited to participants aged 18-35. This young adult cohort brought energy and enthusiasm to the campus, invigorating the practice and intentions of everyone they came into contact with.

The retreat, led by Devon and Nico Hase, was a great success. Nico explains, “The thing about young people is that there is so much potential for transformation in a short period of time. Even within four or five days, they can discover new ways of being that will shape the rest of their lives.”

One participant, Spencer, emphasized this point. “I believe the ideas and practices from this retreat radically transformed the way I relate to my moment-to-moment conscious experience. I feel deep gratitude and excitement for BCBS, the teachers they host, and our future relationship with each other.”

The event was offered in collaboration with Dharma Gates, an organization dedicated to providing young adults with opportunities to practice in community with each other. Sydney, a young adult participant and a representative of Dharma Gates, expressed the value of these kinds of events: “I feel inspired when I practice with others who are asking similar questions as I am; trying to make sense of the world we are inheriting and looking for a way to move forward that is reliable and good.”

Dharma Gates also works with the Hemera Foundation to keep programs as affordable as possible. “I think the financial support and how this retreat was framed attracted a lot of young folks who otherwise wouldn’t be able to spend their week in this way,” said another participant, Aleks, who was already familiar with retreat practice. “It was really special to hear the reflections of folks who are at a similar stage in their life.”

Most dharma communities are actively encouraging participation among young adults. Dharma Gates brings this intention into reality. These events can plant seeds in fertile soil, leaving an impact on the wider world that cannot be foreseen or understood. We at BCBS are humbled by our role in this unfolding. Stay tuned for more young adult retreats at BCBS in the future.

May the merit of our practice together be of benefit to all beings, without exception.

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