This program is part of a nine-month long Path called "Drawing on the Unconditional Love and Wisdom of our Buddha Nature". Please click here for more information on the full path.
In the first program, we will learn three modes of practice that empower each other. The receptive mode helps us find access to unconditional qualities of love and wisdom from the depth of our awareness—our buddha nature. In the deepening mode, we let those qualities help the mind settle into the source of the qualities—the non-conceptual openness, simplicity, clarity, peace, and compassionate capacity of our buddha nature. In the inclusive mode we come from that depth of being to recognize others in their depth, and to include them all in those unconditional qualities of openness, love and wisdom. This contemplative process also empowers our ability to discern the empty, constructed nature of our experiences, freeing the mind for further access to its innate awakening capacities.