There are a number of core Buddhist teachings that we encounter in the early discourses. How do the ideas of impermanence, dependent arising, non-self, the Four Noble Truths, karma, compassion, and other essential teachings relate to each other? How do these core Buddhist insights complement meditation practice and support progress on the Path?

This online conversation between BCBS co-founder Joseph Goldstein and BCBS Director of Studies William Edelglass is based on two talks Joseph gave last summer that explore the essential insights of the Buddha in the early discourses and how they relate to each other. Joseph grounds his presentation, in the first talk, on the fundamental teaching that everything changes and how this insight illumines reality and informs the Four Noble Truths of suffering and its ending. In the second talk, Joseph continues his exploration, showing how the insights discussed in his first talk are directly connected to Buddhist teachings on dependent arising, karma, ethics, and compassion.