Gregory Kramer

Gregory Kramer is the founding teacher of the Insight Dialogue Community and has been teaching vipassana since 1980, having been trained by Ven. Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera, Punnaji Maha Thera, Achan Sobin Namto, and Anagarika Dhammadina. He is the co-creator and developer of Insight Dialogue and teaches this practice and Dharma Contemplation worldwide. He is the founder-director of Metta Foundation and the author of Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom and A Whole Life Path: A Layperson's Guide to a Dhamma-Infused Life. Formerly a National Endowment for the Arts Composition Fellow and founder of the Electronic Art Ensemble, Gregory still composes and improvises.

Experiencing the Relational Dharma in Insight Dialogue

Insight in Insight Dialogue

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A Whole-Life Path: A Layperson’s Immersive Approach to the Noble Eightfold Path

Deep Listening: An Interview with Gregory Kramer

Dharma Contemplation: Soaking Ourselves in the Words of the Buddha

The Truth of Interpersonal Suffering

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