Cuong Lu

Cuong Lu, a Buddhist teacher, scholar, and author, was ordained as the 19th monastic disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village in France. In 2000, he was recognized as a teacher in the Lieu Quan line of the Linji School of Zen Buddhism. Cuong founded Mind Only Institute in the Netherlands in 2011, where he teaches Buddhist philosophy and psychology, specializing in Yogachara Buddhism combined with the Madhyamaka (Middle Way) school of Nagarjuna. In 2022, he founded No Word Zen, an order of "invisible" monks and nuns. The monastics in this order seamlessly serve society and the planet without being "caught" by forms or robes. Cuong Lu is the author of The Buddha in Jail: Restoring Lives, Finding Hope and Freedom; Wait: A Love Letter to Those in Despair; and Happiness is Overrated: Simple Lessons on Finding Meaning in Each Moment.

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