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2017 Vedana Conference

BCBS held a symposium July 13-16, 2017 on the topic of vedana. Conceived and organized

What About Neutral Feelings?

At the Vedana Symposium organized by Martine Batchelor and held at BCBS from 13 to

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map III: Dharma and Arts Symposium at BCBS

  We’re offering a final series of three presentations from the BCBS Spring 2016 Dharma

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map II: Dharma and Art Symposium at BCBS

This month Insight Journal offers three more presentations from BCBS’ Spring 2016 Dharma and Arts

Putting Art-Making Back on the Map I: Dharma and Arts Symposium at BCBS

In Spring 2016, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies held its first Dharma and Arts Symposium.

Death Contemplation

Insight Journal: Bhante, what is contemplation of death, and how do we practice with it?

The Nibbāna Interview

  Insight Journal: Bhante, you’ve done a number of online programs over the years. How

Diversity Assumptions, Implicit Values, and Seeking Refuge

  Insight Journal: You were born in Burma and came to Canada as a refugee