Bhikkhu Anālayo releases The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana

BCBS Resident Scholar and Monk Bhikkhu Anālayo recently released The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana (Wisdom Publications).

This book is an insightful examination of the end of suffering, drawing much-needed attention to two overlooked factors of Nirvana: signlessness and deathlessness. It includes a foreword by Bhante Gunaratana.

Nirvana is at once a critical part of the Buddhist path and a concept difficult to fully understand for Buddhist practitioners. Canonical texts broach this mysterious and essential idea in a variety of ways, whether in the form of metaphor or literary description. In The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana, Bhikkhu Anālayo sheds light on two key aspects of Nirvana that have gone underappreciated: signlessness and deathlessness.

Commanding an extraordinary mastery of canonical Buddhist languages, Bhikkhu Anālayo breaks new ground, or rediscovers old ground, by presenting a new way of approaching Nirvana, based on the Buddha’s teachings on how our minds construct experience. This novel treatment, backed up by meticulous academic expertise, is valuable for scholars and practitioners alike.

“Venerable Anālayo skillfully illuminates how some of the earliest Buddhist texts provide a systematic path for engaging with and experiencing the world in its pure essence, free from the defilements that cause so much suffering. He then takes us one step further to show how this clear perception, once applied and stable, recognizes Nirvana for what it truly is: empty or deathless. An essential read for students of the Buddhadharma.” —Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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