Spring 2000

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A Question of Skill

  Thanissaro Bhikkhu, also known more informally to many as Ajaan Geoff, is an American-born

The Healing Medicine of Dhamma (Milinda-pañho 335)

ye keci osadhā loke vijjanti vividhā bahū, dhammosadhasamaṃ na-tthi; etaṃ pivatha bhikkhavo. dhammosadhaṃ pivitvāna ajarāmaraṇā

The Interdependent Arising of Feeling (Insight into the Aggregates)

Today we are turning our attention to the second of the aggregates, the aggre­gate of

The Experience of Feeling (Insight into the Aggregates)

We study and practice with the Buddha’s teaching on the five aggregates in order to

A Day of Practice and Discussion, Inspired by the Maṇgala Sutta

These brief comments are extracted from a day-long program at the Barre Center for Buddhist

Three Views of Transience

  tārakā timiraṃ dīpo māyāvaśyāyabudbudaṃ svapnaṃ ca vidyudabhraṃ ca evaṃ draṣṭavyaṃ saṃskṛtaṃLike stars, or darkness,